Something Funny

How funny is this!!!

I put my new estrogen patch on this morning before setting of for work and around lunch time I suddenly realised that I hadn’t taken off my old patch.  Woohoo a double shot of hormones for the day. lol

Best not tell Peter, he says at times “Can you wear 2 patches please”. (Funny man).

The funny thing is that today I think they came in very useful as my car broke down during work time.  It took the RAC 70 mins to get to me only to tell me my car needs to be towed and it would take 90 mins for the tow truck to get to me!!!

What a start to the week, I could off cried and been depressed about the whole situation but not today I felt quite chirpy & relaxed.  Thank God for 2patches I say!!!!!

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Linda Butler

Serial studier, researcher, retired from housework, has a heart for people and the things of God. Nanna to 11, is a blogger, an author, speaker at - has preached, is a prayer warrior, prattles occasionally, pillion on husbands Cruiser and hot flush menopause professional...

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