—–Original Message—–
From: Eric Hxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, 21 November 2009 2:35 AM
To: Peter and Linda Butler
Subject: Menopause Input
I desperately need to read more about this. I survived 15 years with a bipolar ex and now I run into this! Like you said, “OK God, why are you doing this to me?”
Eric Hxxxxxx
Hi Eric,
Sorry to hear your plight. Also sorry we haven’t got our book ready yet.
We’re hoping to get it done and nailed at Christmas so we’ll keep you posted.
Do hang in there with your wife although that’s easier said than done sometimes, it’s a rocky road and almost like walking on egg shells sometimes.
Do try and talk about it with your wife when things are ‘normal’ but mate, do not make her wrong for what’s going on. My wife can be so defensive at times, like she thinks or feels it’s her fault.
She really needs to ‘get’ that her feelings are still valid.
Hope that helps. Will keep you posted on the book.
Kind Regards,
Peter B Butler