Esteogen Patches

After not been able to get estrogen implants now here in Australia my doctor put me onto Estradot 37.5 patches but I constantly had hot flushes And mood swings.

My then doctor said she couldn’t give me anymore, so after 7 yrs of not having hot flushes with my implant I’m now left to cope with these symptoms!!! Not happy Jane!!!!!

So I went and talked to another doctor who really listened to me and put me onto Estrodot 100, she said to cut 1/4 off the end so I just get 75, this was great, I was feeling like a normal person.

My next visit the doctor put me onto Estraderm MX50, what a pain, these patches are much bigger, thicker and you put them on your buttock (not easy to do)!! But I will persist as I trust my new doctor.

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Linda Butler

Serial studier, researcher, retired from housework, has a heart for people and the things of God. Nanna to 11, is a blogger, an author, speaker at - has preached, is a prayer warrior, prattles occasionally, pillion on husbands Cruiser and hot flush menopause professional...

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