7 surprising foods for healthy bones

We need to look after our bones ladies.

osteoporosis-spineMy mum is now in her early 70’s and went into early menopause at the age of 40 and is now suffering with a lot of pain due to osteoporosis. She said to me that it is probably due to not looking after her bones like she should have. Back in her day menopause was not talked about and the info we have today was just not there. So after seeing this article it reminded me of my mum and I want to get the message out for us menopausal women to remember to take great care of our bones.

The entire human skeleton is thought to be replaced every 10 years through the process of bone dissolving and remodeling. But when the bone build-up lags behind the process of bone breakdown, you’re likely to suffer from lowered bone mass or osteoporosis.

For keeping pace with bone breakdown you should supply your body with two essential minerals: calcium and vitamin D.  The daily recommendation for calciumin adults (up to age 50) is 1,000 milligrams and vitamin D requirement is 200 international units (IUs). 

Your bones form an important framework for providing structure to your body and protecting your internal organs from direct trauma. So, it is better that you start taking good care of them by including these foods in your diet.

healthy-food-cure-headaches1. Fish: Fish like salmon and sardines are rich in calcium. Moreover, just 3 pieces of salmon fish can provide you with the entire daily recommended allowance of vitamin D. They are also rich in omega 3 fats, which help in lowering the rate of bone loss

2. Green vegetables: Green and leafy vegetables like spinach (palak), spring onions, fenugreek (methi), cabbage (gobi), broccoli are the best sources of calcium for people who do not consume much of dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. Just one katori of cooked leafy vegetables like spinach can give you about 25 percent of your daily calcium requirement. Spinach is also rich in vitamin K which helps in boosting the bone mineral density.

3. Eggs: Eggs are one of the cheapest sources of good protein. But they are also rich in vitamin D. Egg yolk can provide you with almost 6% of vitamin D that your body requires every day.

4. Oranges: Although oranges are mainly consumed for their richness in vitamin C, they can also help to build healthier bones. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid plays an important role in the absorption of calcium.

5. Nuts: Nuts like almonds and groundnut have higher amount of potassium, which plays a role in preventing loss of calcium through urine. Walnuts are known for their richness in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats are crucial for slowing down the rate of bone loss and enhancing the process of bone formation. Nuts are also fair sources of protein and some other nutrients that contribute to stronger bones.

6. Prunes: A handful of prunes or dried plums is a must have for women who suffer from osteoporosis. They contain a fiber called insulin, which helps in calcium absorption in the body and bone strengthening. They also help in curing arthritis.  

7. Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. All three nutrients help in bone strengthening.


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Linda Butler

Serial studier, researcher, retired from housework, has a heart for people and the things of God. Nanna to 11, is a blogger, an author, speaker at www.KindWomanCrazyLady.com.au - has preached, is a prayer warrior, prattles occasionally, pillion on husbands Cruiser and hot flush menopause professional...

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